
美国太平洋州立大学金融学教授. 迈克尔·菲利普斯获得就职A.J. 泰勒杰出 教授


365bet平台. - After receiving his doctorate from Mississippi State University in 1992, 奥斯汀佩伊州立大学 Professor of Finance Dr. 迈克尔·菲利普斯发现 himself in the right place at the right time for an opportunity that would change both his life and a department interested in a fresh perspective.

A California native, Phillips was prepared to look west for a teaching opportunity when a friend suggested 奥斯丁 Peay contact him for an open teaching position in the 商学院.

“One of my best friends was unable to take a position with 奥斯丁 Peay, but the department chair at the time asked him if he knew anyone like him and he said ‘yeah, call Phillips’,” 菲利普斯开玩笑说. “I met with the chair and his wife and immediately fell in love with 奥斯丁 Peay because it made me feel the most at home of any university I had visited.”

Phillips has made 奥斯丁 Peay his home for over 28 years, growing as a professor while also growing the finance department into one of the most competitive in the region. His success reaching students and raising the department’s profile has earned Phillips numerous awards in his career, including most recently the inaugural A.J. 泰勒杰出 教授.

Named for the long-time 商学院 professor, Dr. A.J. 泰勒教授 is awarded to a 商学院 faculty member who has demonstrated exceptional scholarly work or innovative teaching practices. 教职员工将获得 award in the form of faculty development funds and may use the funds for research, teaching enhancements (software, supplies, etc.) or for attendance at teaching conferences 或者通过培训来提高他们的手艺.

的一个.J. 泰勒杰出教授 was made possible with the support of 奥斯丁 Peay alumnus - and 商学院 graduate - Larry Carroll. 总统 and CEO of Carroll Financial Associates, Inc.卡罗尔设立了教授职位 honor 商学院 professors like Taylor, who gave him the skills to succeed 在商业世界里.

菲利普斯说, the 教授 is among the highest honors of his career, as it both serves as a recognition of his leadership from his peers, but also is a reminder of Taylor, who 菲利普斯说, he considers both a friend and similarly minded educator.

“A.J. was a practitioner as well as a teacher, and he brought practice into the classroom,” 菲利普斯说,. “Students loved him because his teaching style was to tell stories and connect what you learn in the classroom to real world stories, and that’s what 我也试着这么做. 他是那种风格的大师.”

One of the most appealing things 奥斯丁 Peay offered Phillips as a young professor was the chance to truly create a program that allowed him to prepare students for 真实的金融世界.

“I didn’t want to be at a bigger school where I’m one of 20 teachers and stuck teaching 一节课,”菲利普斯说. “At 奥斯丁 Peay, I could both build this program and have a career and that wasn’t offered to me at bigger institutions.”

Phillips has tirelessly worked to encourage 奥斯丁 Peay business students to venture out of the classroom, learning from real-world experiences the types of skills and knowledge that can give them an advantage over students from other institutions. 奥斯丁 Peay students, under Phillips’ guidance, compete against other schools to develop long-term investment strategies, place trades and provide performance reports of real funds for groups including the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), as well as the CFA 研究所研究挑战.

奥斯丁 Peay regularly competes with - and often outpaces - larger institutions at these events, a fact Phillips says serves to encourage and prove to 奥斯丁 Peay students that their education puts them on par with any of their competition in the job market.

“A lot of our students are first-generation, which requires a learning environment that recognizes the unique needs for student success.  “我们的学生很有能力 聪明的.  They  just need an appropriate learning environment and opportunities that allow them to achieve their potential and be competitive.  选择越多 we can present to them, the better our brand gets, the better for them.“我也是 as many of my colleagues, were first generation college students as well.   我试着 to make a positive difference in student success every day.”

菲利普斯说, he has evolved as a professor and teacher during his time at 奥斯丁 Peay in a number of ways, but the chance to prove to students their own capabilities outside of the classroom is where he has found purpose.

“The way I’ve evolved as a professor is I’ve become more of a guide than a lecturer; I’m not saying here’s the information and memorize this,” 菲利普斯说,. “我已经成为 a facilitator and a guide and I want my students to know that if they want to get something out of my classes, they have to be involved too and that just makes it more 每个人都很开心.”

For more information on how to support 365bet, contact the University Advancement Office at 931-221-7127. To find out more about 奥斯丁 Peay’s 商学院, visit www.阿卜苏.edu/business.